Instruments and Automation

Instruments and Automation

We offer a variety of instruments that range from automated liquid handling systems to monitoring systems and real-time PCR cyclers. 

Real-Time PCR Instruments

See Real-Time PCR Cycler
BAX® System

Powerful and Precise Molecular Pathogen Detection - Hygiena provides over two decades of reliable food safety testing with the largest breadth of validated matrices. The...

Product Number: ASY2016 (Start-Up Package with Automated Thermal Block), ASY2018 (Start-Up Package with Manual Thermal Blocks, 120V), ASY2020 (Start-Up Package with Manual Thermal Blocks, 220V)
Dualo 32®

The Dualo 32 is a robust 32-well instrument in a convenient format, ideal for facilities with small to medium throughput and little lab space. The wide optical spectrum...

Product Number: MCH230008
BAX System X5
BAX® System

The BAX® System X5 handles up to 32 samples using the same advanced PCR technology to accurately and reliably identify foodborne pathogens in raw ingredients, finished...

Product Number: MCH2005

Monitoring Systems

See Monitoring Systems

The Innovate System offers rapid product testing for food & beverage manufacturers to rapidly confirm the quality of their product inventory for fast, efficient and safe...

Product Number: MCH4000
Absorbance 96 ELISA Reader

The Absorbance 96 ELISA reader is a microplate reader for 96-well assays. Its unique design, featuring 96 individual detection units, ensures the device is highly...

Technology: ELISA
96 Wells
Product Number: MCH3005
Small Digital Dry Block Incubator
Small Digital Dry Block Incubator

The small footprint version of the digital dry block incubator is perfect for labs with limited bench-top space and small test volumes (6-12 samples/wells). ...

Product Number: INCUBATOR
Digital Dry Block Incubator
Lab Format Digital Dry Block Incubator

The lab format incubator (30-70 wells) offers two separate blocks (A & B) each with separate temperature controls and allowing for three separate well configurations.

Product Number: INCUBATOR2
foodproof D-Light

The foodproof D-Light is designed to eliminate free DNA and DNA from dead cells by photoactivation. This treatment prevents false-positive PCR results by ensuring only...

Product Number: MCH230039
Automated Themal Block
Automated Thermal Block

The Hygiena® Automated Thermal Block is an automated heating and cooling device that is programmed to automatically perform the lysis steps for BAX® System protocols. By...

Product Number: MCH2023
Alertox Cube Reader
Cube Reader

Hygiena® Cube Reader is a simple, easy-to-use instrument that scans GlutenTox® Sticks Plus for Reader sticks and provides qualitative, quantitative, and semi-quantitative...

Product Number: ASY3206

Automation Solutions

See Automation Solutions
RiboPrinter® System

This device combines automation with the power of DNA to easily and accurately provide microbial identification & characterization of contaminants.

Product Number: MCH2052
Innovate Autosampler III
Innovate™ Autosampler III

The Innovate Autosampler III is a high-volume automated sampling solution for high throughput bottling and aseptic packaging facilities. It streamlines product sampling...

Product Number: MCH4003
foodproof RoboPrep Fusion
RoboPrep Fusion

Highly automated combination of liquid handling and DNA/RNA extraction to process up to 96 samples simultaneously.

Product Number: MCH230020