
foodproof® Alicyclobacillus Detection LyoKit

The foodproof Alicyclobacillus Detection LyoKit is a real-time PCR test system for screening Alicyclobacillus species and guaiacol-producing strains in juices, juice concentrates, and beverages. This lyophilized PCR kit provides rapid, specific detection using FAM, HEX, and ROX fluorescence channels, with an integrated internal control ensuring reliable results. Designed for 96 reactions, the kit enables testing of up to 94 samples per run. By combining detection of both Alicyclobacillus species and guaiacol-producing strains, this PCR solution delivers comprehensive screening for beverage quality control.


The foodproof Alicyclobacillus Detection LyoKit is a real-time PCR test system for screening Alicyclobacillus species and guaiacol-producing strains in juices, juice concentrates, and beverages. This lyophilized PCR kit provides rapid, specific detection using FAM, HEX, and ROX fluorescence channels, with an integrated internal control ensuring reliable results. Designed for 96 reactions, the kit enables testing of up to 94 samples per run. By combining detection of both Alicyclobacillus species and guaiacol-producing strains, this PCR solution delivers comprehensive screening for beverage quality control.

Alicyclobacillus spp., guaiacol-producing Alicyclobacillus
Technology: Real-time PCR
KIT230151 (LP), KIT230152 (RP), KIT230153 (DP)

Key Benefits

Multiplex Assays
Detect multiple organisms in one single test
Identify several targets in one assay to save sample volume and time by improving workflows
Accurate Results
Trust results due to a high sensitivity and specificity
Differentiates closely related species, meaning fewer re-tests and less waste of truly safe food
Proven Protocols
Validated methods across many applications & matrices
Specific methods for the most commonly affected matrices

foodproof® Workflow

The foodproof® workflow delivers highly reliable detection through a systematic three-step approach: enrichment, optimized DNA extraction matched to your sample type and throughput needs, and real-time PCR detection. This standardized process ensures superior accuracy through high-purity DNA extracts, making it ideal for challenging food matrices.

Sample Enrichment
Specific growth of target organisms via selective media for a reliable detection
Tailored DNA/RNA Extraction
Procedures tailored to your needs to always ensure a high-quality DNA extraction even from complex samples matrices
Real-Time PCR Detection
Assay execution and real-time PCR amplification for clear presence/absence results

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