How-To Video
BAX® Q7: How to Add Messages and Confidence Levels in Version 5
The video explains how to apply messages and confidence levels to assets by navigating to the Operation tab and selecting Analysis Settings. This opens a dialog box displaying assets, applied algorithms, and the available options for messages and confidence levels.
- To apply a message or confidence level to a specific asset (e.g., Genus Listeria), users can check the corresponding box under the Messages or Confidence Level column.
- To apply these settings to all assets at once, users can check the boxes at the top of the columns.
- If applying settings to specific algorithms (e.g., foodproof, real-time, Houston mold quant), users must expand the algorithm dropdown, select Experimental, and then enable the checkboxes.
- After making selections, clicking Save finalizes the changes, prompting a confirmation message before applying the settings.