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foodproof® SL Bacillus cereus Detection Kit

This kit specifically detects the pathogenic species Bacillus cereus in foods.
Bacillus cereus is a toxin-forming pathogen. Its heat-stable spores germinate in hot-held foods, which is why there is particularly an increased risk in places with catered food. The spores of B. cereus also survive drying processes and can be found in dried products, such as spices or dried mushrooms.


This kit specifically detects the pathogenic species Bacillus cereus in foods.
Bacillus cereus is a toxin-forming pathogen. Its heat-stable spores germinate in hot-held foods, which is why there is particularly an increased risk in places with catered food. The spores of B. cereus also survive drying processes and can be found in dried products, such as spices or dried mushrooms.

B. cereus

Key Benefits

Accurate Results
Trust results due to a high sensitivity and specificity
Differentiates closely related species, meaning fewer re-tests and less waste of truly safe food.
Great Convenience
Few and simple pipetting steps
Easy and less error-prone sample and reagent handling
Broad Compatibility
Suitable for a variety of real-time cyclers
Allows fast integration into an already existing PCR lab

foodproof® Workflow

We offer a broad portfolio of products for a robust and reliable real-time PCR detection by providing not only kits tailored to the needs in your lab but also instruments for automation of liquid handling and real-time PCR cyclers.

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Real-Time PCR Detection

Real-Time PCR Instruments


 Dualo 32® R2

The Dualo 32 R2 is a robust 32-well instrument in a convenient format, ideal for facilities with small to medium throughput and little lab space. The wide optical spectrum allows the flexible use of both hydrolysis and hybridization probes. The instrument is optimized for quality control for all different parameters in the food and feed industry.



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