Tailored extraction solutions for foodproof® real-time PCR kits

StarPrep extraction kits are a cost-effective, versatile solution for nearly all kinds of foods.

Sample Preparation kits guarantee a highly purified extraction even from challenging food matrices.

Magnetic Preparation kits provide semi to fully automated purifications for ultra-pure DNA/RNA extracts.
foodproof® StarPrep Kits: Standard Extraction
See Standard Extraction Kits →Our kits designed for quick and easy manual extraction of DNA for multiple sample types.
foodproof® StarPrep 8-Strip Kits: High-Throughput Extraction
See High-Throughput Extraction Kits →Designed for the rapid manual preparation of DNA from multiple samples in parallel.
foodproof® Sample Preparation Kits: High-Purity Extraction
See High-Purity Extraction Kits →Hiqh-purity extraction options for those hard-to-extract samples.
foodproof® Magnetic Preparation Kits: Automated Extraction
See Automated Extraction Kits →Extract and purify DNA in batches using the automated foodproof® RoboPrep® Series workstations.