Instant Formula

Infant Formula

Highly sensitive, specific testing to ensure both powdered and liquid formula is free of microbial contamination, protecting the most vulnerable consumers.

Infant formula producers must ensure products are free of microbial contamination. Regulatory agencies require pathogenic screening for Salmonella and Cronobacter and continuous environmental monitoring for hygienic indicators such as Enterobacteriaceae. We offer a complete portfolio of solutions - rapid indicator organism testing products (results in >8 hours), rapid ATP testing to confirm cleaning and sanitation, and PCR assays to identify and confirm the presence of Enterobacteriaceae (including Salmonella) and Cronobacter in a single assay.

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BAX® System
Real-time Genus Listeria

Detect Listeria species in food and environmental samples with the BAX® System Real-Time PCR Assay. AOAC and AFNOR-certified solution delivers fast, reliable results.

Detection: Listeria spp.
CertificatesAOAC-RI, AFNOR, Health Canada (MFLP #79)
Technology: Real-time PCR
Product Number: KIT2019
BAX® System
Real-time L. monocytogenes

AOAC-validated and AFNOR-certified real-time PCR assay for detecting L. monocytogenes in food and environmental samples. Get reliable results in ~70 minutes...

Detection: L. monocytogenes
CertificatesAOAC-RI, AFNOR
Technology: Real-time PCR
Product Number: KIT2005
BAX® System
Real-time Salmonella

AOAC & AFNOR-certified real-time PCR assay for reliable Salmonella detection in food & environmental samples. Results in ~60 min with quantification options available.

Detection: Salmonella spp.
CertificatesAOAC-RI, AFNOR, AOAC-OMA (#2013.02)
Technology: Real-time PCR
Product Number: KIT2006
Enterobacteriaceae plus Salmonella Detection LyoKit

Real-time PCR kit for simultaneous detection of Enterobacteriaceae and Salmonella DNA in food, feed & environmental samples. MicroVal-validated for reliable results.

Detection: Enterobacteriaceae, Salmonella spp.
Technology: Real-time PCR
Product Number: KIT230137 (LP), KIT230138 (RP), KIT230139 (DP)
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