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foodproof® Sample Preparation Kit III


The foodproof Sample Preparation Kit III enables robust DNA extraction from raw materials, feed, and processed food for GMO testing, allergen detection, and animal identification using real-time PCR. This versatile kit features three optimized protocols for precise DNA isolation from plant and animal matrices, yielding 0.1 to 10 μg nucleic acids per 200 mg sample. The glass fiber-based purification method delivers high-quality DNA suitable for both qualitative and quantitative PCR applications, with amplicon lengths up to 200 bp. PCR-ready DNA is obtained through a streamlined process of heat lysis, proteinase K digestion, and washing steps.

Technology: DNA/RNA Extraction

Key Benefits

Few pipetting steps
Simple sample and reagent handling
Proven Protocols
Validated methods across many applications & matrices
Specific methods for the most commonly affected matrices
Broad Compatibility
Suitable for a variety of real-time cyclers
Allows fast integration into existing PCR labs

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Animal Detection 1 LyoKit

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