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Hygiena® ATP Side by Side Comparison Kit

Our ATP Side by Side Comparison Kit eliminates sampling error and provides a consistent and scientifically-based method for comparing systems by pipetting a known amount of ATP directly onto the tips of testing devices.

Side by Side Comparison Kit

Our ATP Side by Side Comparison Kit eliminates sampling error and provides a consistent and scientifically-based method for comparing systems by pipetting a known amount of ATP directly onto the tips of testing devices.

Additional Components

Product No.ProductQuantity
SBS-US2020Side by Side Comparison Kit for Hygiena™ UltraSnap™ ATP Test Devices1
SBS-SUS3000Side by Side Comparison Kit for Hygiena™ SuperSnap™ ATP Test Devices1
SBS-SPXL1333Side by Side Comparison Kit for Hygiena™ SnapShot™ Universal ATP Test Devices for 3M™ Clean-Trace Instruments1
SBS-CH1616NSide by Side Comparison Kit for Hygiena™ SnapShot™ Universal ATP Test Devices for Charm Sciences Instruments1
SBS-SBC1575Side by Side Comparison Kit for Hygiena™ SnapShot™ Universal ATP Test Devices for BioControl MVP Instruments1

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