Water 01

ATP BioMass Kit

The ATP BioMass Kit is a high-precision test for measuring total and free ATP in challenging liquid samples. It is the ideal solution for measuring contamination in process water, wastewater, water tanks, and cooling towers.


The ATP BioMass Kit is a high-precision test for measuring total and free ATP in challenging liquid samples. It is the ideal solution for measuring contamination in process water, wastewater, water tanks, and cooling towers.

Technology: Bioluminescence
BMK3M100 (BioMass Kit for 3M™ or Bio-Trace™ Luminometers), CCK2 (BioMass Kit for Hygiena & Celsis™ Luminometers)

Key Benefits

Compatible with EnSURE Touch
Collect data using EnSURE Touch and analyze in SureTrend
Single system to capture, quantitate, analyze and trend data allows optimization of your EM program
Maximum Reproducibility
Optimized chemistry ensures precision
Optimized formulation for maximum reproducibility in results, reassuring that results reflect true ATP levels
Measures All ATP Present
Measures both microbial and non-microbial ATP
Detects all types of ATP contamination, allowing you to quickly evaluate contamination and next steps

Accessories for ATP BioMass Kit

Product No.ProductQuantity
HR001Hold-Rite Applicator for 3M or Bio-Trace Luminometers1
HR002Hold-Rite Applicator for Hygiena™ & Celsis™ Luminometers1

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