Doctor holding endoscope

Hygiena® EndoSwab

EndoSwab sample collection device is used in conjunction with UltraSnap® Surface ATP Test. It features a foam tip attached to a long wand, which is used to collect test samples from the main endoscope channel. After sampling, the foam tip is cut off the wand and aseptically added to the ATP test device and processed on a Hygiena® luminometer. The resulting RLU indicates whether the internal channel was cleaned based on your established thresholds.

EndoSwab Diagram

EndoSwab sample collection device is used in conjunction with UltraSnap® Surface ATP Test. It features a foam tip attached to a long wand, which is used to collect test samples from the main endoscope channel. After sampling, the foam tip is cut off the wand and aseptically added to the ATP test device and processed on a Hygiena® luminometer. The resulting RLU indicates whether the internal channel was cleaned based on your established thresholds.

Technology: Bioluminescence
100 items
ASY0468 (1mm), ASY0469 (2mm), ASY0355 (3mm), ASY0473 (4mm)

Key Benefits

Easy as Swab, Snip, Squeeze
Three easy steps for sample collection
The three-step process for collecting a sample, placing it in the device, and mixing the sample is simple.
Superior Sample Collection
3 mm absorbent sponge tip maximizes sample collection
Collect samples in hard-to-reach location like endoscope channels and other reusable instruments with hard-to-reach internal channels.
100% Recyclable
Environmentally-friendly devices
Minimizes waste and reassurance that testing is safe for the environment and for handling.
Flexible wand Ensures Proper Sampling
Wand length ensures recovery of representative sample
2.4 m flexible wand length ensures recovery of a representative sample for most endoscope lengths, ensuring proper testing results.
Individually packaged
Single-use packaging
Individually bagged for single-use applications
Compatible with other Hygiena products
Collection Swab, test device and Luminometer - a complete system
All three core components as a full ATP monitoring solution means no additional parts are needed to achieve accurate, integrated performance.
Endoscope mouthpiece and biopsy forceps

A Complete Cleaning Verification System

Verifying cleaning procedures based on established thresholds is critical to reducing deadly contaminants. Hygiena's offers a complete suite of cleaning verification tests that leverage ATP to identify the presences and absences of organic matter on a surface. Of course, all according to your defined thresholds. Simply swab a surface, break the snap-value to introduce the chemistry to the sample, then read the swab in the EnSURE Touch luminometer. Results are ready in 10 seconds.

Hygiena offers several sample collection methods for ATP cleaning verification. UltraSnap is a surface ATP test. AquaSnap® Free and AquaSnap® Total provide liquid sample collection to support clean-in-place (CIP) process, and the Hygiena EndoSwab provides a mechanism for collecting samples from within an endoswap channel. The best part of it is you can define your desired thresholds based on your complete cleaning process. For example, verify clean before your final sanitation step for additional peace of mind. 

For more information, contact Hygiena or visit the Ruhof website for a complete line of surgical instrument cleaning products.

ATP Cleaning Verification Workflow

We offer a broad portfolio of products for robust and reliable hygiene monitoring by providing easy to use products that allow a fast and reliable cleaning verification.

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