Food Safety
Food Safety Newsletter Recap
The PCR Pioneer Newsletter is celebrating 1 year of content!
We curated all of the content into an accessible newsletter recap summary to help you educate your team, compare methods and decide on solutions for:
- Service and Support
- Automation and Quantification
- Environmental Monitoring Programs
- Industry-Specific Solutions for Beef, Pork, Poultry, Seafood, Dairy, Produce, and Cannabis.
Product & Service Support
- Website: Indicator Testing with MicroSnap® for Total Viable Counts, Enterobacteriaceae, E.coli / Coliforms
- Website: Biochemical Screening Tools for Salmonella & Listeria
- Website: PCR Solutions for Salmonella, Campylobacter, & Listeria
- Blog: Have you Heard about Hygiena PCR Brands and Product Line Extension?
- Blog: Breaking Down the BAX Q7 Software Versions
- Blog: Meet Our Global Technical Support Team Members
- Whitepaper: Recalls & Result Interpretation - PCR Software that Protects Your Brand
- Guide: Diagnostics Support FAQ Guide
- Guide: BAX Ready-Reference Guide – Real-Time PCR
- Guide: BAX Ready-Reference Guide – Standard PCR
- Videos: Vimeo Training Videos
- Videos: PCR Portfolio Overview
- Videos: BAX Q7 Software Version Awareness
- Blog: What are Lab Techs Stressed out About: A Story for Lab Automation
- Blog: Lab Automation: Four Ways PCR Automation Can Increase Lab Productivity
- Brochure: Hygiena Prep Xpress: Choose Your Own Adventure
- Guide: Hygiena Prep Xpress Protocol Guide
- Validation Summary: hygiena® Prep Xpress Liquid Handling Automation Platform Internal Validation
- Tech Bulletin: Alternate Storage Procedure for BAX® Lysis Reagent in Cluster Tube Racks
- Tech Bulletin: BAX System Lysate Preparation – Uncapped Lysis
- Website: BAX® System SalQuant General Info
- Blog: Explained by Experts-Top 5 Tips for Quantification You Need to Know
- Blog: BAX System SalQuant Receives the IAFP Food Safety Innovation Award
- Blog: Pathogen Quantification: What does it mean for you?
- Webinar: Why Quantification – The Road to Revolutionizing Food Safety
- Guide: Quantification Applications for the Poultry Industry
- Guide: Hygiena SalQuant Protocol Comparison to GENEUP Quant Salmonella – Ground Turkey
- Guide: Hygiena SalQuant Protocol Comparison to GENEUP Quant Salmonella – Rinsates
- White Paper: The Power of Quantification for Cleaning and Sanitation
- Case Study: Amick Farms Tackles Salmonella & Campy Challenges with BAX System
- Manual: Pathogen Quantification Manual
- Tech Bulletin: Development and Verification of hygiena® BAX® System VibrioQuant™ for Oysters for Quantification of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae, and V. vulnificus
- Tech Bulletin: Hygiena vs Biomérieux: Indicator Organism and Pathogen Quantification to Define the Role of Interventions within a Large USDA-Inspected Poultry Facility
- Tech Bulletin: Comparative Evaluation of BAX® System SalQuant™ and Roka Atlas® System A Paired Sample Study
- Certificate: BAX® System Real-Time PCR Assay for Salmonella – SalQuant Extensions
Environmental Monitoring
- Blog: 4 Tips for Listeria Testing You Should Know About
- White Paper: Establish an Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) in your Facility: What to Consider
- Tech Bulletin: Development and Verification of hygiena® BAX® System ListeriaQuant™ for Environmental Swabs to Quantify Listeria genus and L. monocytogenes
- Tech Bulletin: Compatibility of the BAX® System and Environmental Sponges using a Wide Spectrum Neutralizer for the Detection of Salmonella species
- Tech Bulletin: Compatibility of the BAX System and Environmental Sponges using a Wide Spectrum Neutralizers for Listeria
- Tech Bulletin: Detection of Listeria from Plastic Surfaces using the InSite Listeria test with Confirmation on the BAX® System Standard and Real-Time PCR Assays
- Tech Bulletin: Validated Enrichment Parameters using the BAX® System to Assess Environmental Sampling Programs for Listeria
- Validation Summary: ISO Validation for Pathogen Detection in Food and Environmental Samples Utilizing the hygiena® foodproof® Listeria genus plus Listeria monocytogenes Multiplex PCR Assay
- Certificate: foodproof Listeria genus plus L. mono Multiplex PCR Assay
- White Paper: Food Safety in the Beef Industry: What you need to know to simplify your testing
- Case Study: Bigard trusts the BAX System for earlier product decisions
- Manual: Pathogen Detection and Quantification for the Beef Industry
- Manual: Pathogen Quantification Manual
- Tech Bulletin: Validation of the BAX® System for the Detection of E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella from MicroTally™ Swabs in 8 Hours
- Certificate: BAX® System Real-Time PCR Assay for Salmonella – SalQuant Extensions
- Blog: Pioneering Poultry Food Safety Resources
- Blog: Everything You Need to Know About the FSIS Regulatory Framework for Poultry
- Case Study: Amick Farms Tackles Salmonella & Campy Challenges with BAX System
- Manual: Pathogen Quantification Manual
- Tech Bulletin: Hygiena vs Biomérieux: Indicator Organism and Pathogen Quantification to Define the Role of Interventions within a Large USDA-Inspected Poultry Facility
- Tech Bulletin: Comparative Evaluation of BAX® System SalQuant™ and Roka Atlas® System A Paired Sample Study
- Validation Summary: Validation of the hygiena® foodproof® Salmonella Genus plus Enteritidis & Typhimurium PCR Kit for Raw and Ready-to-Cook Meat and Poultry Products and Environmental Samples
- Certificate: BAX® System Real-Time PCR Assay for Salmonella – SalQuant Extensions
- Certificate: foodproof Salmonella spp., S. Enteriditis, S. Typhimurium Multiplex PCR Assay
- Video: Explained by Experts – FSIS Regulatory Framework for the Poultry Industry
- Case Study: FDA/Auburn Study Uses BAX® System to Confirm Vibrio Levels in Off-bottom Oysters
- Manual: Pathogen Quantification Manual
- Tech Bulletin: Development and Verification of hygiena® BAX® System VibrioQuant™ for Oysters for Quantification of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae, and V. vulnificus
- Manual: Pathogen Quantification Manual
- Certificate: BAX® System Real-Time PCR Assay for Salmonella – SalQuant Extensions
- Tech Bulletin: Evaluation of the BAX® System for the Detection of E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in Raw Milk
- Validation Summary: Validation of the hygiena® foodproof® Enterobacteriaceae plus Salmonella Detection PCR LyoKit for Infant Cereals, Infant Formula with or without Supplements, and Production Environmental Samples
- Certificate: foodproof® Enterobacteriaceae plus Salmonella Detection PCR Assay
- Webinar: Onboarding New Test Methods - A Look at Rapid Spoilage Organism Detection in ESL and Aseptic Products
- Case Study: FDA uses the BAX® System to Analyze Prevalence of Harmful Bacteria in Multi-State Produce Study
- Tech Bulletin: BAX Detects Listeria in Guacamole
- Tech Bulletin: Detecting Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7 and non-O157 STEC in Leafy Greens from a Single Enrichment
- Validation Summary: Validation of the hygiena® BAX® System Real-Time PCR Assays for Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, and STEC for Dried Cannabis Flower and Dried Hemp Flower
- Certificate: BAX® System Real-Time PCR Assay Suite for STEC – Cannabis Extension
- Certificate: BAX® System Real-Time PCR Assay for E. coli O157:H7 Exact– Cannabis Extension
- Certificate: BAX® System Real-Time PCR Assay for Salmonella– Cannabis Extension