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Maintain your high-quality environments and products using our environmental and product monitoring solutions

Whether manufacturing supplements, probiotics, or any other health-supporting product, you strive to maintain the highest quality for your customers, but contamination always poses a threat. Implementing FSMA regulations will require nutraceutical manufacturers to identify hazards, establish preventive measures and document anti-contamination controls. Hygiena makes environmental and product monitoring easier. Our ATP Monitoring System measures the presence of ATP, to quickly determine possible contamination. From PCR pathogen detection (foodproof and BAX® Systems) to allergen detection (AllerSnap, AlerTox and AlerSticks), Hygiena offers tools to accurately and cost-efficiently fortify your food safety plan while keeping your customers happy and protecting your brand.

Testing solutions for every step in the production chain

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Aflatoxin B1 (Low Matrix) ELISA
Aflatoxin B1 (Low Matrix) ELISA

The Helica® Aflatoxin B1 (Low Matrix) ELISA is a competitive enzyme-linked immunoassay for the quantitative detection of Aflatoxin B1 in grains, nuts, cottonseed,...

Product Number: KIT5005
Aflatoxin B1 (Rapid) ELISA
Aflatoxin B1 (Rapid) ELISA Kit

The Helica® Aflatoxin B1 (Rapid) ELISA is a solid phase competitive enzyme immunoassay, for the quantitative detection of Aflatoxin B1 in grains, nuts, cottonseeds,...

Product Number: KIT5004
Animal Detection 1 LyoKit

Real-time PCR kit for detecting porcine, bovine, and equine DNA in food, feed & pharmaceutical products. Sensitive detection down to 0.001% with results in 2 hours.

Detection: Bovine, Equine (Horse, Donkey and Zebra), Porcine
Technology: Real-time PCR
Product Number: KIT230127 (LP), KIT230128 (RP)
Animal Detection 2 LyoKit

This kit enables easy detection and identification of chicken, turkey and poultry (birds) in one multiplex assay. Species determination provides quality control of meat...

Detection: Chicken, Poultry (Aves), Turkey
Technology: Real-time PCR
Product Number: KIT230032 (LP), KIT230033 (RP)
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