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Hygiena® SystemSURE Plus

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SystemSURE Plus™ is the next-generation system of the world’s best-selling SystemSURE II ATP hygiene monitoring system. With improved functionality, new software, and increased memory, the SystemSURE Plus meets the demands of the largest and smallest companies around the world. For our latest Luminometer check the EnSURE Touch.


Key Benefits

Superior Performance
Linearity, Repeatability, Sensitivity and Accuracy
Precise, reliable data with low variability, low levels of detection and accurate quantification.
Better, Compact Technology
More durable and energy-efficient sensor technology
Superior sensitivity and stability with state-of-the-art photodiode sensor technology vs. photomultiplier sensors
Complete Monitoring System
Devices, test devices and analysis software
A full ATP monitoring solution provides rapid, easily interpretable results with integrated software system
Multiple Testing Options
Designed as a complete environmental monitoring solution
Compatible with all test devices for ATP, enzyme, allergen, protein and sugar detection, simplifying your workflows
Palm-sized Technology
Minimal size and maximum durability
Sleek, compact design, rugged outer shell and a shatter-resistant touchscreen minimizes downtime or bulky handling
Always Ready and Reliable
Accurate test reading every time with built-in controls
Confirms instrument calibration on power up, ensuring accuracy of results and decision-making

Science-Based Cleaning Verification System

In today’s age, visually clean is no longer good enough! Hospitals need a scientific way to quantify cleaning. Hygiena® ATP cleaning verification quantifies your cleaning outcomes to help you reduce HAI and keep your staff and patients safe.


Quantify Cleanliness

ATP bioluminescence is the only rapid cleaning verification method that science-based and data-driven. Learn why ATP cleaning verification is the best fit for the health care industry, and out-performs traditional methods, visual inspection, and fluorescent gel.

ATP Methods Rapid Quant

Align with CDC Recommendations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that hospitals use an objective monitoring system to ensure health care facilities’ cleaning standards are met. Check out our summary of the CDC recommendations for meeting cleaning verification standards.

ATP Methods Compliance

Improve Cleaning Compliance

Implementing a monitoring system to validate cleanliness has been shown to increase compliance to cleaning procedures from 40% to 82%. Since approximately 90% of your cleaning budget is spent on labor, it’s important for the job to be done right the first time.

Superior Performance

The data speaks for itself. The most comprehensive evaluation of ATP hygiene monitoring systems has been completed by one of the world’s premier food and beverage reference laboratories. They evaluated these four key areas of performance.




The linearity graph shows a direct, proportional, straight-line relationship between RLU and ATP for the Hygiena system. The closer to linear a system can get, the more precise and reliable the results will be. Systems that deviate from linear offer less reliable results and less sensitivity. The data in the graphic demonstrates the Hygiena system is among the most linear on the market.



Repeatability is described by Coefficient of Variation (CV). The higher the CV, the greater the variability between each result with the same sample. More variability means the results are more inconsistent and unreliable. The graph shows that Hygiena systems consistently deliver dependable results with the lowest CV.



Sensitivity is defined as the Limit of Detection (LoD). It is the smallest amount of ATP detectable above the background noise of the system. Background noise is the RLU detected by the system in the absence of ATP. Background noise may come from both the instrument (as electrical interference), and the reagent swab device (as chemical interference). Hygiena systems detect the lowest levels of ATP.



To test accuracy, 100 fmoles of ATP was added to each test device and measurements were taken (using 10 replicates) to determine how much of the available sample was actually detected. Results less than 100% indicate that only part of the sample was detected due to some interference within the system. Results over 100% indicate extra signal coming from the test device. Hygiena’s system is the closest to 100%, thus the least variable.

Better Design

Every feature of the SystemSURE Plus monitoring system was built with you, the customer in mind and to meet the demands of your facility.

Photodiode (PD) sensor technology

Better Technology in a Smaller Box

The SystemSURE Plus uses state-of-the-art Photodiode (PD) sensor technology that provides superior sensitivity and stability over fragile and bulky photomultiplier tube (PMT) sensors. The small, thin and sleek design of the photodiode has several advantages over PMT. They’re more durable and more energy-efficient.

Ensure Battery Life

Battery Power for Months

The SystemSURE Plus runs on two AA batteries providing long battery life so you don’t have to worry about charging the unit every day. You can expect up to 8-12 months of uninterrupted use before needing to change the batteries. Replacement batteries are very affordable, while other systems use batteries that are expensive to replace and only last 6-8 hours with a minimum charge time of 2 hours.

SystemSURE Plus Read Chamber

Removable Read Chamber

Unique to the SystemSURE Plus is the removable read chamber, which makes cleaning easy. The demands of some facilities can commonly lead to contaminated read chambers. Other manufacturers require you to ship your system back if the read chamber becomes contaminated, resulting in costly repairs and delays. Hygiena’s system is designed so you can quickly clean the read chamber, reducing downtime and saving money.

SystemSURE Plus Durable Shell

Maximum Durability

The SystemSURE Plus has a durable outer shell and keypad are meant to last. The splash-proof keypad won’t let moisture in and the robust outer shell is sturdy to withstand the shock of minor drops and years of use.

SystemSURE Plus

Design For One Hand Use

Even when you already have your hands full, the sleek design of SystemSURE Plus makes scrolling and selecting test locations a breeze. It is completely operable with one hand, making your life that much easier. Dimension are 3″ x 7″ x 1″ (7.6cm x 17.8cm x 3cm).

SystemSURE Plus Carry Case

Work Hands-free Wherever You Go

Each SystemSURE Plus comes with a complimentary protective carrying case and shoulder strap so you can work hands-free wherever you go. The carrying case and shoulder strap minimize potential drops to keep your device safe while on the go.

SystemSURE Plus Calibration

Verify Calibration at Your Convenience

With built-in sensor checks and a Calibration Control Kit sold separately, verifying calibration is literally effortless. Simply turn on the self-check feature and every time the system is powered on, calibration will be confirmed. If your HACCP or GMP program calls for additional calibration assurance, use the Calibration Control Kit to verify the system is in working order at any time. With the internal self-check and the calibration kit, you’ll always be confident the system is within specifications. In addition, you’ll avoid costly and inconvenient yearly calibration charges that other manufacturers require.

ATP Cleaning Verification Workflow

We offer a broad portfolio of products for robust and reliable hygiene monitoring by providing easy to use products that allow a fast and reliable cleaning verification.

Sample Collection
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Sample Evaluation
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Data Analysis

Sample Collection

Allerflow Gluten
Allerflow Gluten

Hygiena® AllerFlow Gluten is a rapid and convenient test for the detection of gluten residue on surfaces as part of an allergen monitoring program. Combining Hygiena’s convenient sample collection swab design and classic lateral flow technology, AllerFlow Gluten makes gluten testing easier than ever before.

25 items
Product Number: ALF-GL

AllerSnap® is a quick and easy way to verify the cleanliness of surfaces by detecting protein residues left behind after cleaning. By simply swabbing the area and activating the device, you release a reagent that turns color, providing a qualitative and semi-quantitative result of the protein levels on the surface: green means clean and purple means re-clean. The more protein present, the quicker the color change to purple and the darker the color. AllerSnap® quickly validates surface hygiene, allowing immediate corrective action to be taken when necessary.

100 items
Product Number: ALS-100
AquaSnap® Free

AquaSnap® Free is a water ATP test that measures non-microbial ATP (aka dead cells) in a solution.  Use AquaSnap® Free in combination with AquaSnap® Total to identify the microbial ATP in a water sample. First, test a sample of water using AquaSnap® Total and record number (total load). Then, use AquaSnap® Free on the same sample and record this number (free ATP). The difference between AquaSnap® Total and AquaSnap® Free provides an indication of the microbial ATP contamination in the sample. It works hand-in-hand with the EnSURE® Touch Monitoring System.

100 items
Product Number: AQ-100FX
AquaSnap® Total

AquaSnap® Total water ATP test measures both microbial ATP (living cells and particulate matter) and free ATP (non-microbial or dead cells) in a solution. The device contains a detergent to release ATP that is bound to microbial or organic matter and inside microbes. AquaSnap® is easy to use, economical, and gives real-time results when read in the EnSURE® Touch Monitoring System. The specifically designed dipper tip collects 100 µl of water ensuring consistent sample collection. Use AquaSnap® Total in combination with AquaSnap® Free to determine microbial ATP in a water sample. 

100 items
Product Number: AQ-100X

PRO-Clean® is the easiest and most accurate way to verify the cleanliness of food equipment surfaces. Simply swab a surface and release the reagent. If protein residue is present, the reagent will turn purple – the more contamination, the quicker the color changes and the darker it becomes. PRO-Clean® instantly validates surface hygiene, allowing immediate corrective action to be taken when necessary.

100 items
Product Number: PRO-100

The SuperSnap® High Sensitivity ATP Surface Test is 4x more sensitive than UltraSnap® ; it is capable of detecting extremely low levels of ATP, making it perfect for supporting stringent SOPs. Like all Hygiena® swabs, it’s extremely easy to use: just swab, snap and squeeze. Get results in seconds using the EnSURE® Touch Monitoring System so you can take immediate corrective actions and get back to production.

100 items
Product Number: SUS3000

UltraSnap® is a user-friendly, all-in-one ATP sampling test used with Hygiena® luminometers. This pen-sized sample collection device is easy to use, small, and environmentally friendly. In addition, UltraSnap uses a unique liquid-stable reagent providing superior accuracy, longer-lasting signal strength, and more reproducible results.

100 items
Product Number: US2020
ZymoSnap ALP

ZymoSnap ALP measures alkaline phosphatase activity in dairy products to verify pasteurization. Clear definitive results avoid delays and additional costs of retesting as seen with other ALP test methods. ZymoSnap has been validated for various types of milk, flavored milk, creams, and more. Get rapid results in 5 minutes.

100 items
Product Number: ZS-ALP-100

Hygiena® CrossCheck ACP Cooking Efficiency Test measures acid phosphatase activity, a natural enzyme present in raw meat. CrossCheck is used with finished products to verify thermal processing and can also be used on food contact surfaces to measure raw meat residues and cross-contamination hazards.

Product Number: CX-3000

MicroSnap® Coliform is a rapid test method for the detection and enumeration of coliform bacteria, giving actionable same-day test results. The MicroSnap test platform consists of an Enrichment Device containing a specific growth medium and a Detection Device containing a bioluminogenic (light-producing) substrate. When MicroSnap Coliform detects the specific microorganism, light is emitted and measured with a Hygiena® luminometer. Results are stored and tracked with SureTrend® software for further data analysis and trending.

Detection: E. coli, Enterobacteriaceae
Product Number: MS1-CEC (Enrichment Device), MS2-COLIFORM (Detection Device)
E. coli

MicroSnap® E. coli is a rapid test for the detection and enumeration of E. coli bacteria. The test uses a novel bioluminogenic test reaction that generates light when enzymes that are characteristic of E. coli bacteria react with specialized substrates. The light-generating signal is then quantified in the EnSURE® Touch luminometer. Depending on the required level of detection, MicroSnap E. coli is able to give results on the same day.

Detection: E. coli
Product Number: MS1-CEC (Enrichment Device), MS2-ECOLI (Detection Device)

MicroSnap® EB is a rapid test for the detection and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae (EB) bacteria. The test uses a novel bioluminogenic test reaction that generates light when enzymes that are characteristic of EB bacteria react with specialized substrates to produce light. The light-generating signal is then quantified in the EnSURE® Touch luminometer. Depending on the required level of detection, MicroSnap EB is able to give results within the same day.

Detection: Enterobacteriaceae
Product Number: MS1-EB (Enrichment Device), MS2-EB (Detection Device)

MicroSnap® Total delivers same-day total viable count (TVC) test results, giving you the advantage of knowing microbial levels on the same day samples are collected. The test uses a novel bioluminogenic test reaction that generates light when enzymes that are characteristic of viable bacteria react with substrates to produce light. The light-generating signal is then quantified with a Hygiena® luminometer. With same-day results, MicroSnap Total results enable you to take corrective actions faster or release products sooner. AOAC RI Performance Tested Method (Certification #031501).

Detection: Total Viable Count
Product Number: MS1-TOTAL (Enrichment Device), MS2-TOTAL (Detection Device)



 Food Safety Data Management

SureTrend® is a platform that provides a gateway to actionable insights. It supports data from ATP, rapid indicator, allergen, and PCR tests. The platform provides secure data integration from multiple sources and facilities. Plus, the software’s environmental maps create a bird’s eye facility view to help you identify critical areas and manage and mitigate your risk. Easily review, analyze, and trend-highlighted critical factors and improve your decision-making from anywhere.

Starter, Power or Premium Packages Available

Additional Components

Product No.ProductQuantity
SSCC01Protective Carrying Case1
PCD4000 Calibration Control Kit 1

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